Tuesday 27 May 2014

Collage Workshop

Today, our class had to make a collage picture out of anything they could find.

This is my finished collage!

I used some pieces of cardboard for the backing of my picture. I stuck some patterned paper and cut outs of people from old magazines down on it and drew onto the cardboard with a black marker pen.

I drew some weird monster heads using coloured pencils and black marker pens and I stuck them over the heads of the people that I cut out. 

Tuesday 13 May 2014


Antonio Lopez

Antonio Lopez, an American illustrator was often featured in Vogue magazine and was considered to be a major influence on fashion illustration as a whole.

He  liked to use bright, attention grabbing colours such as blue and orange in his work and the vibrant use of colours and free form lines that he included in his artwork is often considered as the staple artistic 'look' of the seventies.



Eric Powell

Eric Powell is an American comic book writer/artist,best known as the creator of 'The Goon'.

He has written plot lines and illustrated for major comic book companies such as Marvel, DC Comics and Dark Horse.

His original series, 'The Goon', debuted from the small comic book publisher, 'Avatar Press'.

His artwork is entirely traditional, only using digital manipulation to clean up comic panels. He mostly uses lead pencils and oil or acrylic paints in his work.


Chris Riddell

Chris Riddell is an English illustrator and political cartoonist who has collaborated many times with authors such as Neil Gaiman, Paul Stewart and Phillip Ridley.

                     Starting work on Neil Gaiman’s new book.

He usually works with pencils and ink to create his illustrations.

He also rarely uses colour in his work.

His artistic career began in 1984 when he illustrated for the book 'The mystery of silver mountain'. He also writes and illustrates his own books, which are usually aimed at children.



Our class was set a task to draw a self portrait in whatever way we want to with whatever media we wish to use for a zine. No colours were aloud, it was only supposed to be drawn in black and white.

I've drawn mine completely digitally!


In the book, the story is told from the character Utterson's point of view. They're Dr Jeykll's best friend and close work colleague and also the first to realize Mr Hyde's true identity.

I wanted to create an illustration to represent Jeykll and Utterson's relationship, that they're still close friends but Utterson is very suspicious of Henry Jeykll.

Also, unlike Edward Hyde who I drew traditionally, Jeykll and Utterson both are drawn digitally.


I decided to keep the design for my book cover simple with white stylized text and borders and a plain, dark background to go with the books Victorian Gothic theme.

The book is very well-known so I thought that just the title on the front cover could be eye-catching enough.

I also put a small drawing of Dr Jeykll's potion bottle on the back. This could grab the attention of someone who isn't aware of the book's plot.


For the end page of the book, I decided to do a story ending illustration. 

I drew this completely in pencil, both lead and coloured. I've included yellow and red flowers (to represent Edward Hyde and Henry Jeykll's signature colours), an almost empty potion bottle, a skull wearing Dr Jeykll's glasses and a light yellow and blue banner with the words 'The End' on it.


The first appearance of Edward Hyde is when he's discovered in an alley, having just murdered a young girl.

This will be the first illustration that the reader would see. I tried to distort Hyde's by drawing him from the back, engulfed by his coat. 

I also drew Hyde in pencil and scanned it and then worked back into it with photoshop. He looks strange and different from his surroundings, which was my original intention when i created Edward Hyde's design.

Original scanned picture w/o digital editing

With digital editing

He almost looks like a paper cut-out silhouette.

Monday 12 May 2014


The poem I chose for my Book of nonsense illustration project was 'Pretty Polly Perkins', a short poem about a girl ordering food in a restaurant.

I drew and coloured this in photoshop and since this is a poem about ordering food, I decided to make 'Polly's' dress completely out of food. I also added things like ice lollies, pizza slices and cheeseburgers in the picture to fill in the space around Polly and also to visually show her deciding what to order.

j - death of dr jeykll illustration

During the final chapters of the book, Henry Jeykll commits suicide to prevent Edward Hyde from killing again. The way he kills himself is unexplained to I decided to leave my illustration grim, dark and obvious yet uneplanitory as to how he has actually killed himself. I thought maybe with the red and blue blood/ooze pouring out of his mouth and nose that the audience could initially interpret how he died.

The red and blue blood/liquid also shows all of Edward and Henry's signature colours running out of him, showing his life draining out of him.

His glasses, which are usually blue, are now red, which is the colour I associated with Edward Hyde. His glasses changing colour actually shows that Edward Hyde has committed his last murder.

j and u - street investigation illustration

I wanted to draw another illustration of Dr Jeykll and Utterson so I've drawn them after having a conversation about Edward Hyde's misdeeds and who his true identity could actually be. Utterson has just walked away, explaining that she's going to uncover Mr Hyde's identity and stop him before he kills again, much to the dismay of Henry Jeykll.


Flat colours and background



h and u - first meeting illustration

The first person who discovers Edward Hyde and his serial killings is Henry Jekyll's best friend and work colleague, Utterson.  

I've kept to drawing Edward Hyde traditionally to differentiate from the other two digitally drawn characters. Although, I did touch up this picture in photoshop, it was drawn with biro pen felt tip pen and pencil.

Utterson was drawn entirely in photoshop. I've also drawn a foggy background behind her to set the eerie scene and to also fill in negative space behind her.

j and h illustration - window

This illustration shows Henry Jekyll at the window of his study as Utterson looks up at him from front of his house. This is before he knows he's being watched and hurriedly closes his curtains. 

The shadow of Edward Hyde appears behind Henry Jekyll. Seeing as this is from the point of view of Utterson, this shows that maybe Henry is starting to find it difficult to hide his evil alter ego and Utterson's suspicions are in fact true. 

I looked at a lot of different art deco stained glass windows for the window's design. The timeline of my interpretation of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a mixture of different eras so in some cases like this, things like old art movements will appear in the backgrounds while the characters will be wearing modern day clothing. This actually happened because I wanted to mix the traditional Victorian London setting of the book with some modern day designs as well as some throwbacks to different eras in time.