Tuesday 28 January 2014

Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde

The book I have chosen to illustrate is the classic horror story by Robert Louis Stevenson, 'The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'.

For my character development of the two main characters so far, I've decided to use selective character colouring for my illustrations. For example:

With the character Dr Henry Jekyll, I've decided to use colours such as light yellow, tan and dark marine blue for him. These light, softer colours represent the fact that Dr Jeykll is the good half to Mr Hyde's evil side while the dark blue's may even represent melancholic and tortured inner thoughts.

With Edward Hyde on the other hand, I've used bright reds, burnt browns and pale greens to show that he is the twisted, monstrous side of Henry Jeykll.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Digital project - Ice Cream monsters 2

Mint chocolate chip WIP

1- (basic sketch)

2- (colouring/lining)

3- (lining and shading)

Finished piece!

Digital project - Ice Cream monsters

Raspberry Ripple WIP

1- (basic sketch)

2- (colouring)

3- (over lining)

4- (shading)

(Finished piece!)

Animals and creatures-3


(drawn with coloured pencil)

Animals and creatures project-2

Red Admiral butterfly 

(drawn with black fine liner pen and coloured pencil)

Animals and creatures project work-1

Tree frog - Ribbon eel

                                                         (drawn with coloured pencil)

Hirohiko Araki X Gucci

One of my favourite fashion illustrators, Hirohiko Araki collaborated with Gucci in 2013 where he designed unique shop window displays with his own original artwork along with Gucci's new clothing line. The window display was first shown in New York and it featured Jolyne Kujo, one of the characters from Araki's own comic book series, JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, wearing the clothes shown in the window display.

CCAD Health and safety regulations

(Taken from the CCAD website)

General Safety and Security. The College recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an employer and as a service provider for securing the health, safety and welfare of its employees whilst at work, students on College premises, during study visits and work experience and for members of the public who use its premises. The College will provide and maintain so far as is reasonably practicable:

Work places, systems of work and equipment that are safe and without risk to health
Safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances
A healthy working environment
Suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision
Training in programme-related procedures on processes and machinery which will occur during induction and throughout the programme
To enable all employees and students to avoid hazards and to contribute positively to their own health and safety at work
Instruction on emergency routes and exits, safe evacuation during emergency situations, and fire
assembly points, which will occur during induction and throughout the programme

Health and Safety legislation places responsibility on the individual to make him / herself aware of hazards and to follow recommended safe procedures. The legislation covers all staff and students. Students who behave or conduct themselves in a dangerous manner or do not demonstrate common sense are liable to be excluded from work areas.

In particular, it is important that students realise they have a recognised legal responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act to:

Comply with all College health and safety procedures to ensure their own safety and the safety of all others
Wear personal protective equipment as required during College attendance
Observe all instruction and training as required during College attendance

If you have any queries related to safety 
and security issues, please contact Geoff 
Peirse, Health and Safety Adviser on 01642 