Tuesday 12 May 2015

Negotiated project - The idea

Negotiated project - 'The idea'

For my new project, I've been given free reign to work on whatever concept I can come up with. The idea I've decided upon for this project is to create an over-all design (including interior, branding and packaging) for a fictional cafe chain. I believe designing artwork and products for a brief like this will be a great challenge for me, will help me develop skills in creating artwork for businesses and companies and will also create great entries for my portfolio.

I already have a few ideas of what I want the artwork I'll be creating for the fictional cafe to look like. The over-all look and feel of the cafe that I'll be going for will be created by combining the home-y feel of a cafe, the wide array of cakes, pies and pastries of a patisserie and the innovativeness and uniqueness of a modern chain bakery.

To help with my research, I'll be visiting or, if I'm unable to visit, looking into different cafes, bakeries, cake shops and restaurants.

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