Wednesday 13 May 2015

Over all evaluation

Over all evaluation

Just like my zine project before, I've really enjoyed working on this project and testing my artistic skills by working on a commercial and faux-company based brief.

I thought that working on something that I've never tried before could be a great way to test myself and build up a good range of commercial work for my portfolio. Designing packaging and interior layouts was quite difficult for me since I've never tried to tackle anything like this artistically before.

If could do anymore for this project, I would have liked to have designed and made my own cups, plates and cutlery as well as table clothes or patterned aprons. These are things that I intend to tackle in the future as I'm always trying to challenge myself by working in different fields.

I would also have liked to have visited more cafes or diners since a lot of my research was sourced online. I couldn't' afford to visit many cafes or bakeries during this project.

All in all, I'm happy with what I've produced and I'm proud of what I have achieved by pushing myself to try something new.

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