Tuesday 4 November 2014

Evaluation / conclusion


The concept for my non-narrative project was 'traditional masks used as every day wear', which was in reference to my chosen artist, SBTRKT. I wanted to show traditional tribal masks used as casual clothing or props in my work, something which I thought came across evidently in my editorial piece. I also decided to show this in the colours I used in my illustrations, using dark, solid blacks (representing the traditional masks) against soft blues and pinks (representing casual, every day life). 

As a non-narrative project, I really thought it helped me expand my artistic horizons and give me an insight into commercial design and advertisement briefs that could be given to me by potential clients. My digital drawing skills have also grown since I began drawing digitally for the first time last year and at this stage, I believe that digital art is my prefered artistic medium of choice. That being said, I thought that more traditional drawing with various media such as paint or pencil and some sketch book development work with  would have benefited me for this project.

I'm happy with the illustrations I produced, although I would have liked to have added more to my product illustrations. I put a lot of time and thought into my illustrations and I hope that shows in my finished pieces.

I would have liked, however, to have done a lot more written work and blog posts. I concentrated a lot more on my illustration pieces than my written work and in future briefs, I will try to make time for both drawing and written work and I will try put as much time and effort into both.


Overall, I've enjoyed this module and I've worked hard to create illustrations that could actually be used in professional promotional products. I've had little difficulty coming up with ideas for images, only slightly occasionally hitting creative walls. As I said before, I would have liked to have done more written work and I will keep in mind for future projects to do as much research and written work as I can. 

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