Monday 3 November 2014

Halloween SCREEM party poster

Halloween SCREEM party poster

This October, our class got together to organise a party that would take place on Halloween. We decided that we needed to advertise in order to spread word of our event and I volunteered to draw up a design for a poster.

I drew up a black and orange background first and sketched a waist up figure of a happy pumpkin, leaving enough space for the text information that would also be on the poster.

I made two different varients of the same image.

Orange varient:

Green varient:

After showing the two different posters to the rest of my class, we decided to use the green varient and we created a Facebook group advertising the party, naming the event 'SCREEM' after a class discussion. 

Green poster with text version:

(text was made by arron shepherd)

Unfortunately, the event didn't go ahead due to lack of ticket sales and lack of planning on our classes part. 

Creating a poster for an event was a fun, interesting task for me to do and i got a lot of good feedback  from the rest of my class regarding my design. So, even though it was disappointing that our event didn't go forward, designing and drawing the poster gave me some experience in creating something for an advertising brief. 

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