Wednesday 14 January 2015

Overall evaluation

My evaluation

Overall, I've enjoyed working on this project. I chose to work on the travelling man brief because I've never created anything for a zine before and I've actually always wanted to give it a try so this has given me a great opportunity. 

I've gained a lot of experience on independent publishing and zine making. At times, I had difficulty thinking of ideas for the content of my zine as I didn't want it to be too short. 

Drawing the zine illustrations digitally has made the creating process for it a lot quicker but I'm still quite slow when I draw and colour. I've noticed how slow my drawing process is during this brief and I've decided that I need to work on creating illustrations faster in order to reach deadlines on time. 

Putting the zine together wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, I was worried that my digital illustrations would be washed out when they were printed out on standard white copier paper but I'm very happy with how it's turned out. 

Another thing I need to work on for future preference is to increase the amount of written work in my blog post. I've always found written work difficult but I'm going to try my hardest in the future to push myself to write more and include more field research in my written work.

In conclusion, I'm very happy with my project's outcome and although I would have liked to have included more written work and field research in my blog posts for this project, I've gained a lot of experience in creating illustrations for self published work.

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